
ref: link Acceptance criteria are a set of statements that describes the conditions a software product or a project deliverable must satisfy in order for the User Story to be accepted by a Product Owner, user, customer, or other stakeholder. Acceptance criteria are incredibly important in Scrum because they spell out what a development team needs to accomplish for a given Sprint.

  • Whenever a user story is written the product owner and the team collaborate to determine the AC of

the story.

  • Acceptance criteria should state intent but not list the steps to produce the solution.


ref: link

  • Code peer reviewed?
  • Code completed?
  • Code reviewed?
  • Code checked-in?
  • Unit tests passed?
  • Functional tests passed?
  • Acceptance tests completed?
  • Product Owner reviewed and accepted?

The goals of Acceptance Criteria

  • Clarify what the team should build before they start work
  • Ensure everyone has a common understanding of the problem
  • Help the team members know when the Story is complete
  • Help verify the Story via automated tests.

Example – Acceptance Criteria

  • A user cannot submit a form without completing all the mandatory fields
  • Information from the form is stored in the registrations database
  • Payment can be made via credit card
  • An acknowledgment email is sent to the user after submitting the form

Example of User Story with Acceptance Criteria

The figure below shows an example of acceptance criteria of a user story.