
Difference between Definition of Done (DOD) vs Acceptance Criteria (AC)?

Num Definition of Done (DOD) Acceptance Criteria (AC)
1 Generic(common) Specific
2 Abstract Concrete
3 Requirements to adhere Test scenarios

ref: link

Definition of Done (DoD) is a list of REQUIREMENTS that a user story MUST ADHERE to for the team to call it complete. While the Acceptance Criteria of a User Story consist of set of TEST SCENARIOS that are to be MET to confirm that the software is working as expected.

The difference between these two is that the DoD is common for all the User Stories whereas the Acceptance Criteria is applicable to specific User Story. Acceptance Criteria of each User Story will be different based on the requirements of that User Story. In order to complete the User Story; both DoD and Acceptance Criteria must be met. ref: link


Definition of Done (DOD)