
Project for giving incentives to the Saudi Faculty. Owner


Official client and the application admin. Abdul Khadir Khan


<2021-04-18 Sun>

  • After submissions were made by faculty behalf, the submissions were not visible when the client logs


  • in and out range are getting populated by default.
  • admin should be able to submit even after the end of the cycle.


<2022-03-28 Mon> Meeting to get requirements

  1. From Faculty view publications/patents that are submitted by admin are not visible into their profile.
  2. From Faculty view publications/patents that are submitted in an earlier cycle should be visible if the cycle is closed and the only faculty can submit/edit the current cycle when it open to submit by admin. (Please verify this)
  3. Change button “submit” to “ADD” à Note: You can submit your ISI Journal Publications for the current cycle. (same for patent page) (dates to be fetch from “Payment duration window” cycle. Add acceptance window range instead of payment duration
  4. Date range issue in patents and publications http://localhost:8000/en/admin/review/approvalpatent/

5.Faculties who did not submit à Here I have to open the cycle whenever any action is needed from my side… I suggest this should link to the last cycle no need to open the cycle again.

o if any publications/patents submitted by the admin on behalf of the faculty à faculty should not edit any entries… It should be only allowed only by admin… even in the current cycle. ( Need your confirmation, I think it is already available… ) a. When admin is submitting, the cycle should be last closed even if the cycle is closed.

Email ids to test patents and publications