Meeting with Elastic team
- Heartbeat security with heartbeat and uptime
- Uptime
- Service maps
on premise “site-search” one premise, role based
not available yet on premise yet, because it was acquired solution.
enterprise search
app-search roles, tags, there are many ways to achieve role based content search
using ES as cache
Kubernetes cloud
secrets in metadata?
APM issue tracker integration?
License what we do get?
- KFUPM search engine, role based
- Elasticsearh is licensed
- Just platinum.
Elastic as service to visualize large amount of data
Upgrades are always included in the license.
Stephan suggested using Platinum is good enough for us intead of Enterprise.
volume based,
KAUST is already using Elastic search.
JAVA, JDBC can be used instead of RDMS. Minimum cluster size 3 nodes; 3 TB of data. How much data being captured? how much longer to retain?
Platinum 1 node 6600 3 nodes 19000$. As data grows add additional nodes.
Enterprise is based on size of the 64RAM. it will cost more than plantium. Upgrade is possible from plantium to enterprise.
License model?
Platium -> Enterprise -> ECK with limitiaton.
logstash with APM is possible. Injestion pipline.
Connectors to allow integration. Use web hook. Best practices are included in support.
Notes shared during the meeting
KAUST using Elastic
Subscription details
Consultation packages