
upgrading based applications

Upgrading all the Django versions to 3.2(current <2022-03-24 Thu>, LTS version) version and above

Perquisite is upgrading Debian

How applications were updated at ICTC

security support for the version earlier than 3.2 has ended and we should target for upgrading Django to version >3.2. However Debian 10(buster) supports 3.7 python and Django 3.2 requires 3.6 and above but we will need Debian 11 for Django 4.0 - because it needs python 3.8 and above because Debian 11 Python 3.9

And yes the upgrade should start from test env then on production. Let us do it this way: tomorrow I am going to create edesk request to upgrade all test env’s Debian 9 to Debian 10 and all Debian 10 to Debian 11, in the meanwhile all the developers are requested to start upgrading to Debian 11 and if this is not possible to atleast Debian 10.

Please do let me know if anyone has any concerns or objections for this upgrade, I will wait until Thursday this week before creating the ticket.

After upgrading test envs successfully, we can ask the operations team to upgrade the corresponding production VMs for the respective applications to Debian 10 or Debian 11.