Both debit notes and credit notes are official accounting documents, both used by businesses but for different purposes.

  • Separate from an invoice, these notes let buyers know how much existing business credit they have or conversely, how much they still owe (udhari aur baqaya).
  • They’re also critical to shipment tracking, payments due or if any credit remains on the account.

Debit note or debit memo

A debit note, or a debit memo, is a document issued by a seller to a buyer to notify them of current debt obligations.

  • Used in B2B and B2C transactions.

Credit note or credit memo

A credit note is a document issued by a seller to a buyer to notify that credit is being applied to their account. As a seller, you may issue a credit note when there’s a need to cancel all or part of an invoice for a variety of reasons, including:

  1. Changes to an order after an invoice is issued
  2. Goods returned or services rejected
  3. Goods were damaged during shipping
  4. Pricing mistakes on the original invoice