Summary Transport Layer Security(TLS), the successor of the now-deprecated Secure Sockets Layer(SSL) is a cryptography protocol. TLS paired with HTTP is called as HTTPS. TLS runs a separate layer that wraps TCP connections. It supplies only the security for the connection and does not involve itself in the HTTP transaction. Because of the this hygienic architecture, TLS can secure not only HTTP but also other protocols such ass SMTP. The latest, <2022-03-27 Sun>, of TLS is 1....

April 6, 2022 · 1 min · Jaaved Khan

Diff csrftoken cookie vs csrfmiddlewaretoken in Django?

Answser ref: related CSRF protection (in Django) CSRF Forgeries When a user visits a site, the site should generate a (cryptographically strong) pseudorandom value and set it as a cookie on the user’s machine. The site should require every form submission to include this pseudorandom value as a form value and also as a Cookies value. When a POST request is sent to the site, the request should only be considered valid if the form value and the cookie value are the same....

April 4, 2022 · 2 min · Jaaved Khan


Summary Cryptography is the study of secure communications techniques that allow only the sender and intended recipient of a message to view its contents. with added benefit of being able to prove the correctness of the message and the identity of sender. Very valuable indeed. The term is derived from the Greek word kryptos, which means hidden. It is closely associated to encryption, which is It is closely associated to encryption, which is the act of scrambling ordinary text into what’s known as ciphertext and then back again upon arrival...

April 4, 2022 · 2 min · Jaaved Khan

Same-Origin Policy

Summary The same-origin policy is a critical security mechanism that restricts how a document or script loaded by one origin can interact with a resource from another origin. It helps isolate potentially malicious documents, reducing possible attack vectors. For example, it prevents a malicious website on the Internet from running JS in a browser to read data from a third-party webmail service (which the user is signed into) or a company intranet (which is protected from direct access by the attacker by not having a public IP address) and relaying that data to the attacker....

April 4, 2022 · 1 min · Jaaved Khan


Summary Def 1 Encryption is a means of securing digital data using one or more mathematical techniques, along with a password or “key” used to decrypt the information. The encryption process translates information using an algorithm that makes the original information unreadable. ref Def 2 Encryption is the process of using a to convert plain text messages to unreadable ciphertext. Decryption: is the reverse of that process. cipher A cryptographic algorithm, set of mathematical steps taken to secure a message....

April 4, 2022 · 1 min · Jaaved Khan